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The Schedule - Day 591

Writer's picture: 17GEN417GEN4

The Schedule - Day 591


One time, I was sitting on the couch watching TV and the dog was sleeping on the floor across the room. He got up, pointed his snout straight up in the air and howled. Then he laid back down on the floor and went back to sleep.

When my wife got home, I told her what happened and she said, "You made him do that."

One time, I walked into the house and nobody was home, but I could smell that someone was there, or had been there very recently. I didn't see anybody, but someone was there. I am sure of it. My wife arrived home shortly after this and I told her about it.

"How do you know?" She asked. She could have asked, "Why do you think that?"

One time, I woke up on the bed with all my clothes on and felt as if someone had dropped me there. I have been startled awake before by a dream. Most people probably have at some point. This was not that.

I also remember a time when I was sleeping or dozing off and I opened my eyes as if I sensed something or someone in the room and remember feeling a pinch before everything went dark.

One time, I was standing in the kitchen and my wife and her friend were there and they were talking.

"Where are you?" my wife asked.

'What do you mean, 'where am I?' I asked. "I am standing right here.

"Why are you asking me where I am?" I asked. "Do you mean, where was I? Why are you asking where I am?"

The next thing I knew, someone asked, "Are you alright?" Their eyes were really big. "You were somewhere else for a minute. Did you see that? His voice changed and everything." Then they described some kind of head movement or something that I do not remember.

"Are you OK?" the question, again.

"Why are you asking me that question?"

"Did you see that his whole face changed." somebody said.

'Do you feel ok?"

"What is the problem exactly? Do you feel okay?" I asked.

They were acting as if they had just seen an extraterrestrial being of some kind.

My wife told me to, "come over here and sit down for a minute and then slapped her hand on one of the couch cushions." I sat there for a minute and felt fine, physically, but felt as if something else was going on.

There is more here, but for now...


After I moved, I was laying on the bed. I guess you could say I thought I was sleeping, but something else was happening. Black and white images appeared in groups of three, one set at a time in my mind's eye. One image would be selected from the group of three and then the next group would slide into view of my mind's eye. Each time, one of the three images would be selected and then the next group of images would appear. The images were in the shape of objects and when I saw an image of a car, I felt my body begin to shake and woke up to the sound of a knock on the bedroom door. Nobody was there. Nobody else was inside the place at the time, that I was aware of, but I woke up to the sound of three knocks on the bedroom door.

After I moved, two people showed up, who said they were Joe and Amy - my brother and sister in law. I opened the door and Joe looked for a second, like my a-hole father and I could only see the top of Amy's head as she appeared to be staring straight down at the ground in front of her outside the door. She said, "Hi Mike," and laughed.

Joe, who looked like my father for a second, had that stupid disapproving look that was a classic signature of the weak man I remember my father to be. I had attempted to file a restraining order against my parents twice and was denied the ability to do so.

Bad things are sure to happen when you tell someone to go away and that you do not want to see them anymore and you have no obligation whatsoever to those people; yet a court decides what an individual considers to be unwelcome harassment after you repeatedly tell people in your private life that you do not wish to continue interacting with them in any way, yet the keep showing up, telling you how they do not want to 'interfere' in your life when it is obvious to all parties involved that interference is exactly what they are doing and intend to do while pitting people against each other and pushing them away while making up false stories about where they went and why they left. But this was Joe and Amy.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked.

"Amy." I responded. "Why are you asking me if I know who you are? You are married to my brother who is standing right there. I was at your wedding."

"Where are you right now?" she asked.

"What do you mean, where am I right now? I am standing right here at the kitchen counter."

"Two people are going to visit you and they are going to tell you that a lot of bad things are going to happen to you and you are going to listen to them." Amy said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

She took out her phone and spread her fingers on the screen and then she looked at me.

I felt something in my brain or my emotion changed or something happened. She continued to say things that were not true and even tried to project insults onto me and even accuse me of doing things that she even said in her own words had not happened yet. It seemed ridiculous. I guess, because it was my brother's wife, I listened to her while she stood across the counter from me next to him, but for some reason, I could not see his face.

She basically said that a lot of bad things were going to happen to me and that there was nothing I could do about it. Then, she said that one day, your parents are going to call you and show up where ever you are and you are going to open the door and invite them in.

"No, I'm not." I said.

"Yes, you are." Joe replied.


Once, when I was very young, I was home alone with my mother and there was a knock at he front door. We never had visitors, we never had 'knocks' at the front door that were not anticipated or planned.

"Somebody is at the front door." I said.

"Answer it." she said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"I don't know." she replied.

I opened the front door with stained red plastic on either side of the glass and a young man, probably a little older than me said, "Do you accept?"

"Do you know this person?" my mother asked.

"No." I replied.

"Open the door and talk to him." she said.

I looked at her incredulous and in hindsight I remember that stupid look on her face now, looking at me as if I am dumb during a time and a generation that used to tell people not to open the door for strangers. 'stranger danger' - they called it.

I opened the door and the young man again asked me, "Do you accept?"

"Accept what?" I asked.

He put his hand on my shoulder and asked, again, "Do you accept?"

"I am not going to accept anything if i do not know what I am agreeing to, accept." I replied.

He walked away.

"What did he say?" My mother asked. Listening the entire time, of course, pretending as if she was not.

"He asked me if I would accept, but did not tell me what it was that he was asking me to agree to." I said.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"I said no," I replied.

'Why?" she asked.

"Because he did not say what it was he was asking me to agree to." I said.

She rolled her eyes in that condescending disapproving way that childless cat ladies are so jealous of orchestrating.

"So I am supposed to believe everything that everybody says and give them the opportunity to take advantage of me over at least once?" I asked.

"Yea." she replied. Looking at me with the same condescending tone. Straight faced.


There are two popular stories that are subject to misinterpretation. But before we get to that, there is a matter of the Bears as it pertains to the Mandela effect. If you feed people enough misinformation, as my mother did in the examples above, which are all true, by the way; you can change the perception of the scope that there is a perception of one thing or another based on the access to and flow of information.

From an AI generated search response - 'The Berenstein Bears and the Berenstain Bears are two names that have sparked a widespread phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect, where a large group of people remember a particular detail differently than it actually is.'

I can say this in a statement, but it will be refuted, no matter. When they do the things that they do to you, they do it in a way in which you cannot defend yourself because any accurate explanation will not make sense to people who have not experienced the -

'THEY' can make you think that you are crazy. Gaslighting is the lowest form of this manipulation disposition. When 'THEY' do things to you that your rational mind knows that you cannot explain, you become aware that you are one of these, what I call, 'Special Targets.'

This has happened, most likely to other people as well and eventually most of them are weak minded and they think that they are actually going insane. Now, 'THEY' can induce this behavior upon you even when you know in your rational mind that what you are experiencing is not true or based in reality.

I hate conspiracy theorists for the purpose of 'click bait' because they do nothing to expose the strategy that is used to corrupt the minds of people in an effort to conform.

If you actually use your own brain as a tool that was assigned to you, you may be able to use it to your advantage. However, the corporate government structure is not aligned with your talent or principles as far as the free and fair illusion of a Constitutional Republic is concerned.

__________ Anyway,

Ted Kaczynski and Richard Jewell are two individuals whose perceptions were shaped by the press and have been subject to gross mischaracterization confirmed by false public opinion.

There is a word in the english language that is in diametric opposition to the word in which it represents.

Henry Alexander Murray - does this name sound familiar to you? This is the guy who trained Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, to do what he did. Murray influenced modern day AI and ESG compliance recognized in social media algorithms. He introduced psychoanalysis influenced by process thinking which eventually turned into cold-war psychological experiments on undergraduate students at Harvard. Ted was one of his students. This is the part of the story that is true, but not widely recognized by documentarians.

In 1943, Murray helped complete The Analysis of of the Personality of Adolph Hitler, which is interesting and helps prove my point because both the Unabomber Manifesto and Mein Kampf are both available for sale on Amazon despite, apparently, overwhelming the nature of books banned by the platform criticizing of addressing related ideology.

'THEY' targeted Ted, and others, based on a psychological profile of free thinkers who they believed they could manipulate. This does not work on stupid people, as can be seen with modern day social media campaigns designed to 'induce' regular people with a certain train of thought.

In some aspects, it seems as if Murray's goal was to design domestic terrorists.

Ted Kaczynski just happened to graduate with a degree in math from Harvard the same year Murray ended his unethical experiments there in 1962.

Murray used 22 undergraduates as subjects whenhe conducted experiments to measure an individual's response to extreme stress.


This is just a side note. I remembered while doing this research that there was a time when I screamed so loud that I thought I could die from it. I could actually feel the compression in my brain, inside my skull. They say that the brain does not have feeling, but mine does.

Also, just over 100 years ago there were a lot of prominent Jewish people, psychoanalysts with famous last names, doing research in Germany.


Murray's Wikipedia page, Wikipedia is loathsome, I know, but again - why is it there if they don't want you to read it, but still insist that you cannot talk about it?

Murray's experiments on undergraduate students have been characterized as "vehement, sweeping and personally abusive" attacks. He tailored assaults to their egos, cherished ideas and beliefs to cause a high level of stress and then played back the recorded videos of the abuse back to the students.

Murray was widely recognized for his contributions to the industry of psychology. This kind of makes people wonder if the DSM is a warning or an instruction manual based on the people who wrote the book.


I have had a lot of bad things happen to me in my life. Most of them slowly, but all at once.

many people have had bad things happen to them and not one individual I have ever met can trump my experiences.

most people would have offed themselves by now. Revenge for me is like the ultimate selection of a last meal.

i would rather get revenge while starving to death than eat anything. it is the opinion of some rather ravaged interpretations of people you have never herd of that it would be best to take something with you to the grave - I believe that the ancient Egyptians are grossly misinterpreted by modern day text. After all, we know for sure that their version of history is much different than the version of their history that we are presented with.

In the same way, when the 'Pilgrims' landed here were are to believe that they were not just checking out the space to send messages back to headquarters that we can totally take over these M F.

When DJT says, "This is a witch hunt." Many people agree. The people who coined that term did this to their own people. And the Native American Tribes were hunting with boes and arrows and killing each other before we even arrived here. So what is the big deal?


Do you really think you would have the capacity to end a person's life?

I believe that I do. I can not only end it all, but torture someone during the process. If I could get away with it, and that is essentially what the people in the tech industry are doing day by day.

I guess this is fiction, but not really.

There is a word in the english language that is in diametric opposition to the word in which it represents.



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