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Tarot Card Strength: A Guide to Inner Power, Patience, and Courage

Updated: Jan 28

The Tarot is a powerful tool for self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. Each card in the deck holds a unique meaning and symbolism, and the Strength card is no exception. Strength is one of the major arcana cards in the Tarot, representing inner power, patience, and courage.

Tarot Card Strength: A Guide to Inner Power, Patience, and Courage
Tarot Card Strength

The Strength card is often depicted as a woman taming a lion, symbolizing the triumph of the gentle over the fierce. This card represents the power of inner strength, and the ability to overcome challenges through patience and calmness. The woman in the card is often shown holding the lion's mouth closed, demonstrating the power of self-control and discipline.

In many interpretations of the Tarot, Strength is associated with the idea of inner power and the power of the human spirit. This card suggests that the querent may be facing challenges in their life, but that they have the strength and resilience to overcome them. Strength encourages the querent to tap into their inner power and to use their patience, courage, and inner strength to navigate life's obstacles.

The Strength card is also associated with the idea of courage. This card suggests that the querent may be facing difficult decisions or challenges that require courage, and that they have the strength to overcome them. Strength encourages the querent to trust their instincts, to be brave in the face of adversity, and to use their inner strength to guide them.

In addition to its association with inner power and courage, the Strength card is also linked to the idea of patience. This card suggests that the querent may be in need of patience, and that they should take their time in navigating their life journey. Strength encourages the querent to be patient and to trust that the universe is unfolding in their favor.

In a Tarot reading, the Strength card can offer a range of interpretations depending on the context and the surrounding cards. For example, if the Strength card appears in a spread with cards that suggest conflict and struggle, it may indicate that the querent is facing challenges in their life and that they need to tap into their inner strength to overcome them. However, if the Strength card appears alongside cards that suggest joy and happiness, it may indicate that the querent is experiencing a time of inner peace and happiness.

It is important to note that the Strength card can also be interpreted as representing weakness and vulnerability. This interpretation suggests that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed or unable to handle the challenges in their life, and that they need to tap into their inner strength to find their way. This interpretation of the Strength card serves as a reminder to the querent to trust their inner strength and to have the courage to face life's challenges.

The Strength card is a powerful symbol in the Tarot, encompassing themes of inner power, patience, and courage. Whether the querent is facing challenges in their life, experiencing inner peace, or feeling overwhelmed, the Strength card can offer guidance and encouragement on the path of self-discovery and personal growth. So, let the Strength card be your guide and harness the power of inner strength, patience, and courage in your life.

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