The Schedule - Day 337
10:32P EST
It is a great disappointment that a writer attempting to capture the lofty emotion of savagely murdering someone in the first scene of a novel in a highly complex and grotesque manner cannot do so for fear of, well, you know.
but I guess it all depends on the target as well as the time and space in which the lines are published. It must be first and foremost officially declared that the script is on fact fiction, right? That would be the the best way to assert that one is merely using their imagination while making death threats to and ultimately following through with the promise to fictional characters.
Is there a document an author needs to sign or a declaration that needs to be made before the creative process can begin? Yes. That is called college. Well, not anymore. Colleges are now solely dedicated to second level indoctrination. Children are taught how to not read in high school and even at an earlier age where drag queens host story time.
The local library occasionally hosts 'reading events' and one that caught my eye with the absence of a comma was that cheerleaders for the local football team would be reading to kids on a certain date at a certain time. Those kids could not possibly appreciate a professional football team cheerleader reading anything to them, but I would.
Mary had a little lamb.
According the browser known as 'Brave' - 'There is no evidence that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote the melody for "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." The song originated as a poem written by Jane Taylor and published in 1806 as "The Star." Sometime later, the poem was set to the melody of "Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman." The earliest known appearance of the words and music together dates to 1838. Some scholars suggest that the tune might be as old as 1740, but the identity of its composer is still a mystery. The song is usually performed in C Major and contains five verses in total.'
That simply isn't true and you probably raped in the process of attempting to write your novel.
I met a companion at a 'taint' lovers convention. There were no Jews present, but we watched the fundraising telethon on FOX.
"This is NOT what I saw while watching the live broadcast." Isla said.
Andy confirmed. "will track the perpetrator down at a coffee shop or wherever they access the feed and address this injustice."
Sam Altman lookalike: "We will find Hamas wherever they are." Dude, they are in Gaza. Oh, I get it, you are reusing language from 9/11... Got it.
We will find Hamas wherever they are: IDF spokesman
Fox News should be able to identify the 'fake' pro-Palestine tweets, or rather, Tik-Tok posts in the same way that NBC identified all of the fake tweets after Oct 7th shared by Charlie Kirk and others associated with right-wing media.