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Student hunger strikes for Palestine

A group of 19 students at Brown University initiated a hunger strike, demanding the university divest from "companies which profit from human rights abuses in Palestine." This strike began on February 2, 2024, and is described as the U.S.'s largest since October 7, according to the strikers. The students called for the university to divest from businesses that they say benefit from Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories [source: x1].

  1. The hunger strike is part of a larger movement of protests against the Israel-Gaza war on Brown University's campus. The students aimed to pressure the university to divest from businesses that profit from Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories. The strike was timed ahead of a series of closed meetings by the Corporation of Brown, where the students hoped their demands would be discussed [source: x2].

  2. The hunger strike by Brown University students entered the eighth day on February 9, 2024. The students planned to continue their strike until Brown University considered a proposal on divestment [source: x3].

  3. Harvard students showed solidarity with the cause by participating in an hourslong hunger strike and a "die-in" protest during class hours, demonstrating their support for Palestinians in Gaza [source: x4].

  1. Brown University students initiated a hunger strike to protest against the Israel-Gaza war on their campus.

  2. Yale University students are on a hunger strike in support of Palestinians and in protest to pressure their university to divest from weapons manufacturing companies potentially supplying the Israeli military.

  3. Princeton University students have begun a hunger strike as part of protests demanding an end to the Gaza war.

  4. University of South Florida students have been holding a hunger strike since March 18, demanding their university end investments in companies they say are helping Israel in the war in Gaza.

  5. University of Texas students have also joined in solidarity protests against the Israel-Gaza war.

  6. University of California, Berkeley students have organized sit-ins and hunger strikes in support of Gaza.

  7. Columbia University students initiated the Gaza solidarity encampment, which has since spread to campuses in California, Texas, and other states.

  8. Leeds University students demanded the suspension of a Jewish chaplain who served in the Israeli army during the war on Gaza.

  9. Sciences Po students in Paris and other universities worldwide have been demonstrating in support of Gaza since the outbreak of the war on October 7.

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