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Updated: Apr 6

Iran Observer on Twitter claims ISIS takes responsibility for the terror attack on Moscow. Terror attack may have been carried out with U.S. military weapons seized by ISIS when they took control of Afghanistan in 2021.

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LIVE commentary (IN ENGLISH) Russia Now Moscow Terror Attack


Putin plans to stoke conflict in Africa with private militias, 'weaponising' the flow of migrants to try and influence European elections

Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning two continents and covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's landmass. With a population of over 144 million people and a land area of 17.1 million square kilometers, Russia is a diverse and complex country with a rich history, culture, and economy. In this article, we will explore the history, culture, economy, and politics of Russia.


The history of Russia can be traced back to the ancient Slavic tribes that inhabited the region. In the 9th century, the Kievan Rus' state was established, which became a major power in Eastern Europe and laid the foundations for modern-day Russia.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Russia underwent a period of expansion and modernization under the rule of Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great. The country became a major power in Europe, with an empire that stretched from Poland to Alaska.

In the 20th century, Russia experienced significant political and social upheaval, including the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of the Soviet Union. The country also played a major role in World War II, helping to defeat Nazi Germany and becoming a superpower during the Cold War.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia underwent a period of political and economic transition, with the establishment of a new constitution and a shift towards a market-oriented economy.


Russia has a rich and diverse culture that is influenced by its history, geography, and ethnic groups. The country is home to a wide range of ethnic groups, including Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, and Chechens, each with their own unique traditions and customs.

Russian music, art, and literature have made significant contributions to world culture. Classical music, including the works of composers such as Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, is known for its emotional depth and technical complexity. Russian literature, including the works of authors such as Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, is known for its exploration of complex human emotions and philosophical ideas.

Russian cuisine is known for its hearty and flavorful dishes, such as borscht, pelmeni, and beef stroganoff. The country is also home to a variety of cultural festivals and events, such as the Moscow International Film Festival, the White Nights Festival in St. Petersburg, and the Maslenitsa festival.


Russia has the eleventh-largest economy in the world and is considered an emerging market economy. The country's economy is driven by a combination of industry, services, and natural resources.

Russia is a major exporter of oil, natural gas, and other commodities, and the country's energy sector accounts for a significant portion of its GDP. The country's manufacturing sector has also grown significantly in recent years, with industries such as automotive production and aerospace becoming increasingly important.

Despite its economic success, Russia faces significant challenges, such as income inequality, corruption, and political instability. Additionally, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and international sanctions have had a significant impact on the country's economy.


Russia is a federal semi-presidential republic with a multi-party system. The country's political system is based on a separation of powers, with the president as the head of the executive branch, the legislature as the legislative branch, and the Supreme Court as the judicial branch.

Russia has a long history of political and social activism, with movements such as the Solidarity movement and the Pussy Riot protests making significant contributions to Russian society. The country's current president, Vladimir Putin, has focused on improving governance and economic development during his tenure in office.

Recent years have been marked by rising tensions between Russia and the international community, particularly in the wake of the country's annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its involvement in the conflict in Syria. The country has also faced criticism for its treatment of political dissidents and human rights abuses, as well as its alleged interference in foreign elections.

Russia is a complex and diverse country with a rich history, culture, and economy. Its position as the largest country in the world and a major exporter of natural resources has made it an important player in the global community. Russian culture, music, art, and cuisine have also made significant contributions to the world. However, the country also faces significant challenges in terms of income inequality, corruption, and political instability. The ongoing threat of COVID-19, international sanctions, and tensions with the international community further complicate the country's economic and political outlook. The future of Russia will likely be marked by both opportunities and challenges, as the country continues to navigate its complex social and political landscape and adapt to the changing global environment.


Popular News Websites in Russia:

Russia, a vast nation with a rich cultural and political history, possesses a diverse and dynamic media landscape. News websites play a crucial role in shaping public opinion, disseminating news, and reflecting the social, economic, and political dynamics of the country. In this article, we delve into some of Russia's popular news websites, providing insights into their reach, influence, and the dynamic media environment in which they operate.

RT (formerly Russia Today) is an internationally recognized news network that operates a prominent news website. Providing news coverage from a Russian perspective, RT covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, technology, culture, and more. The website offers articles, videos, and multimedia content, catering to a global audience interested in Russian news and perspectives.


TASS (Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza) is Russia's oldest and largest news agency. Its website,, offers comprehensive news coverage, both domestic and international, encompassing politics, economics, society, sports, and more. TASS focuses on delivering accurate and timely news updates, making it a trusted source of information within Russia and abroad.

RIA Novosti (

RIA Novosti is another prominent news agency in Russia, providing extensive coverage of news and events. Its website,, offers news articles, photo galleries, and multimedia content across various categories, including politics, culture, science, and sports. RIA Novosti emphasizes objective reporting and balanced coverage, ensuring a reliable news source for its readership. is one of Russia's leading independent online news outlets. Known for its diverse and comprehensive coverage, features news articles, analysis, opinion pieces, and special reports. It covers a wide range of topics, including politics, society, business, and culture.'s independent stance and commitment to quality journalism attract a discerning readership. is a popular news website in Russia, offering news coverage, analysis, and opinion pieces across various domains. Known for its dynamic reporting style and engaging content, covers politics, economics, culture, sports, and more. The website's user-friendly interface, multimedia content, and interactive elements contribute to its popularity among Russian internet users.

Russia's media landscape is dynamic and multifaceted, with news websites playing a significant role in disseminating news, shaping public opinion, and reflecting the country's social, economic, and political developments. The popular news websites mentioned above provide comprehensive news coverage, diverse perspectives, and multimedia content, catering to the diverse information needs of Russia's population and international audience. As Russia's media environment continues to evolve, these news websites are likely to adapt and innovate, meeting the changing preferences and needs of their readership while upholding the principles of responsible journalism.

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